Commissioning of tasks to external companies and their verification
Using the TakeTask application we do not have to limit ourselves to the internal application of its solutions. The TakeTask application may significantly improve the processes and regulate the information flows between the cooperating contractors. By creating a separate
client for each contractor, we can easily separate tasks assigned to them and perform internal and external company functions.
By commissioning a task to an external company through the TakeTask application, we can easily control the way they are performed by using the appropriate commands. Ordering such tasks can also be performed automatically by using
reusable answers. An example of such use can be service orders.
An employee of 'company A' performs the task of reporting damage using the answers they gave in this task automatically (by using a
conditional task). The task appears to an employee of 'company B', who is responsible for the servicing. Thanks to that 'company B' knows what happened to the device in 'company A' and can go to this company to make the repair. Documentation of the repair can also be done using TakeTask's application, so that managers from 'company A' will know when the repair took place, what the response time of 'company B' to the notification was and how the repair was carried out.
Another example of outsourcing of tasks to external companies can be, for example, room cleaning. This example is described below.
Task configuration
The configuration of the task parameters follows a standard procedure, which is described in detail
We assume that the office is to be cleaned once a week, on Monday between 06:00-12:00. During this time, the task will be visible to the user assigned to the task and they will be able to perform it only once in each cycle. In order to set the cycle, you need to set the type of the recurring task and set the appropriate cycle in the task parameters with the number of repetitions in the location equal to '1'.
Next, define a group of users who are to perform this task. Assigning users is described in detail in this
article (in the case of a large number of single users).
Task Generator
We start to create a task in the generator.
The task consists of the following commands:
View of the task in the Task Generator
Task view in mobile application (step by step)
Verification of the task can be done by evaluating photos in the mobile application or by verifying the task in the web panel. In our task we will also evaluate other aspects than just photos, because of this, we will verify the task through the web panel. In order to do that, we log in to the user's account, who is the manager of a given project and has the rights to verify tasks. We go through the selected project, click 'verify tasks' and 'accept', 'reject' or 'reject and return' the task to the user for redoing.
General view of the task 'to be verified'
Detailed view of the task 'to be verified' (available options to change the status of the task are marked in red)