Multiple Choice command

If you need to carry out a survey or, for example, collect information about many products, use the Multiple Choice command.
The field allows you to create a list of answers of unlimited length, from which you will be able to choose any number of answers.
However, it is not possible to specify the minimum or maximum number of answers the user must provide.
The Multiple Choice command can be freely combined with other commands.

General command settings:

  • Command title (up to 80 characters)
  • Command description (up to 600 characters)
  • Answers to choose - Answers can be entered or imported from a file according to a specific formula, the import is described here
  • Photos as a hint

Advanced command settings:

View of the command in the mobile app

  • The appearance of the command in its basic form

  • The appearance of the command with two answers marked

  • Command appearance with graphical hint 

It is possible to combine the functionality of Multiple Choice and Duplicate Commands. You can read about that option here.

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