Advanced Settings section

Each basic command in the generator ends with the "Advanced Settings" section.

You can find the following options in this section: 
1) Send your answer to another task
This option is based on the answers used, which are described in detail in a separate article. It also describes the function of the used answer as a hint in another task.

2) A dditional options:
a.    Optional command - The command can be executed in in part or in full. It is not a condition for completing the task.
b.    Additional comment field - The person executing the command has the ability to add a comment.     
c.    Prohibited execution - Sometimes it may be impossible to execute the command fully.
3)  O rder in reports    
The order of task execution in the application may differ from the order of data included in the report.
Example: An auditor passing through a store may have the order of tasks optimised in terms of the route of the shop. A store manager receiving a report may have tasks that are a priority for the company at the top of their list.
You can read more about the order of reports in the article.

4. HACCP segment
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). Information on the HACCP Report is available in a separate article. Hidden by default, it applies only in a specific application scenario.

The function determines the HACCP report element verified by executing the command.
Example:         Application: Take a picture of the refrigerator thermometer
                        HACCP report: Monitoring of fridge temperature: 3oC, 09.07.20

5. E valuation of the photo taken
The assessment of taking a photo is described in a separate article.
6.  Photo margin
It is possible to set margins for the "Take Photo" command.
7 Mapping values for list items
This function is described in the "Item List" command article.

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