Item List command

Basic information
How does the Item List command work?
This command is a product/element/object list functionality that can be linked to the scanner allowing you to scan EAN or QR codes, add them to the database or compare them. Since version 2.64, the application also includes support for codes in Code-39 and Code-93 format, which consist of numbers and letters. The Item List command cooperates with sub-tasks, so after choosing a product or scanning it, you can build any sequence of subsequent actions, e.g. asking for a price supplement or taking a photo. 
What are the uses of the Item List command?
The Item List command can be used to control the presence of products on the shelves in the store, scan barcodes, QR codes from various objects and complete knowledge about them or simply check whether a given object occurred or not. 
The command configuration consists of:
Command title (up to 80 characters) - Where to indicate the name of the action to be performed visible to the user.
Command description (up to 600 characters) - Where to complete the instruction how to perform a given action. 
Selection of the operation model of the Item List:
  • List of elements/products without scanning with the indication of the process to be performed for each element selected from the list.
  • List of elements with or without scanning using the list of elements/products, with an indication of the process to be performed or not, with the list of scanned objects or not.
Advanced Settings - Configuration of the obligation to execute the command, space for additional comments, dynamic values for objects/products within the Item List.

Details of configuration / Scenario logic

Scenario 1 - Do you want to scan items? NO

Imported items are visible in the list. The user can tap on any product from the list and then will be moved to the actions that you plan to take in the sub-tasks, e.g. giving a price and/or taking a photo (the choice of the sub-task is obligatory, you cannot skip this step in the configuration of this scenario). When the user performs actions within the sub-task and saves the result of their answers, they return to the list of elements, where the completed list element is marked green. The information that is displayed for the incomplete elements, and when the element is already completed, is configurable in the 'Description of incomplete element' and 'Description of completed element' fields. The user can finish the command when at least one product has been completed in the list of elements (there is no parameter to change this setting).
Views of this scenario in the mobile app:

The elements imported into the command can be displayed dynamically for the location where the task is executed, i.e. when executing the task in location X, the list will consist of A, B, C, and when executing in location Y, the list will consist of B, C, D, E, and so on. How to use this function is described below, when describing the process of importing the list into the command.
The elements in the list can also be divided into categories, we support up to six levels of category grouping. This means that you can import products e.g. in the categories: House, Garden, Swimming pool further in the category 'House' will be under categories: Living room, Kitchen, Bathroom, and even further, the products themselves or other categories. The use of the categories is optional, only items in the item list (in the case of large lists) are categorised. How to use this function is described below, when describing the process of importing the list into the command.

Scenario 2 - Do you want to scan items? YES / Do you want to scan using the list? YES / Do you want indicate the items to be scanned? YES

Imported items are visible in the list. The user can tap on any product from the list and then the EAN/QR code scanner will be moved (by default the application scans EAN8, EAN13, QR codes, it is possible to add other formats per instance of the application) if:

  • The recognised user is moved to actions that we plan to take in the sub-task, e.g. giving a price and/or taking a photo (the choice of a sub-task is obligatory, you cannot skip this step in the configuration of this scenario). When the user performs actions within the sub-task and saves the result of their answers, they return to the list of elements, where the completed element list is marked green. The information that is displayed for the uncompleted elements, and when the element is already completed, is configurable in the 'Description of uncompleted elements' and 'Description of completed elements' fields. The user can finish the command when at least one product has been completed in the list of elements (there is no parameter to change this setting);
  • the barcode was not recognised, the user returns to the scan view to repeat the scan. In this scenario, the user can "continue" only when they scan the EAN code according to the imported value to the item list.
The user has the possibility to enter the EAN code manually  in the scanner view if the scanner cannot read the value.

Views in the mobile app for this scenario:

Scenario 3 - Do you want to scan items? YES / Do you want to scan using the list? YES / Do you want to indicate the items to be scanned? NO

Imported items are visible on the list and above them there is a 'Scan' button. The user cannot select a product from the list (it is only an overview of what to scan), they must use the 'Scan' button to scan further EAN codes. After scanning the EAN code (marked with a beep and a green frame) the scanner expects another EAN code to be scanned. This is used to quickly scan multiple EAN codes without leaving the scanner to check the presence of products/EAN codes. In order to finish the scan, the user presses the 'undo' icon to return to the list of items on which the products that were found and not found are marked. In this scenario there is no sub-task support. The information that is displayed for uncompleted items and for when the item is already completed is configurable in the Description of an incomplete element and Description of a completed element articlesThe user can finish the command when at least one product has been completed in the item list (there is no parameter to change this setting).

The user has the possibility to enter the EAN code manually in the scanner view, if the scanner cannot read them.
Views in the mobile app of this scenario: 

Scenario 4 - Do you want to scan items? YES / Do you want to scan using the list? NO / Do you want to scan with the database? YES / Do you want to add new items? YES

Imported items are not visible to the user, only the 'Scan' button is visible. After scanning, the barcode is compared with those in the imported database (EANs serve as a comparison database for results in the list of elements), and when:

  • The recognised user is moved to actions that you plan to take in the sub-task, e.g. giving a price and/or taking a photo (the choice of the sub-task is obligatory, you cannot skip this step in the configuration of this scenario). When the user performs actions within the sub-task and saves the result of their answers, they return to the list of elements, where the completed list element is marked green. The information that is displayed for completed elements is configurable in the Description of completed element field. The user can terminate the command when at least one product has been completed in the list of elements (there is no parameter to change this setting).

  • The barcode has not been recognised, the user is asked (in the pop-up view) if they would like to add the scanned item to the database, if the user confirms - the action goes to the sub-task, if the user selects rejects - they will have to scan again.

In this scenario, EAN codes imported in the database are treated as a source of information for the scanner to recognise the EAN code (displaying information about the EAN code). EAN codes imported in the list of elements are EAN codes for the presentation of task results.
Business example: You have a database of a million products (EAN codes) and you are looking for 20 specific products (EAN codes), but you do not know if others will not be scanned during the task, in such a scenario each EAN will be recognised by the scanner (because you are searching the database of all products - one million), but the results will present the codes expected and those found. In this scenario the user does not see the results of his task. This scenario is often used in audits. 

The user in the scanner view, has the possibility to enter the EAN code manually if the scanner cannot read the value.
Views of this scenario in the mobile app:
Scenario 5 - Do you want to scan items? YES / Do you want to scan using the list? NO / Do you want to scan with the database? NO
Imported items are not visible to the user, only the 'Scan' button is visible. After scanning, the barcode is saved and the user is taken to the sub-task. When the user performs the commands, they return to the view where the scanned product is visible in the list and the user can proceed to further scanning. The information that is displayed for completed items is configurable in the Completed item description field .
In the scanner view, the user can enter the EAN code manually if the scanner cannot read the value.
Views of this scenario in the mobile app:

Importing 'list of items'

To import a file with a list of items that need to be included in the command, use the file template attached to this article or in the generator in the link, then download the template. When the template has been downloaded, the columns should be completed with the following appropriate data:
  • ID - The ID of the item/product that will be displayed both in reports and in task verification, must be a unique entry for each item.
  • Name - Product name, will be displayed in the list of items to be scanned. here, the name does not have to be unique.
  • Value - Enter the EAN barcode to be scanned (EAN8 or EAN13) in this column. It is not possible to enter several barcodes for one product.
  • Locations - When this column is left empty the list of items is the same for each job location. If you would like the element to appear only in selected locations, you need to enter Location ID (External ID) where the element is to appear after the decimal point (without spaces).
  • Category1 - (Category2, Category3 to Category 6) - An optional column for placing products within a category, the user will see the categories in the list view that will make it easier for them to find the item on the list. An example of a faucet product can be placed in the categories: Home -> Bathroom -> Taps - in this case, when importing the file, you need to enter the value 'Home' for Category1, for Category2 the value 'Bathroom' and for Category3 the value 'Taps'. In this case, after entering the mobile application, the user will not see the product of the taps in the list, but the 'Home' category, after clicking on its 'Bathroom' category, etc. up to the product.

After completing the file, save it in CSV UTF-8 format and drag it to the Element File field.

Mapping values for list items

The mechanism allows to import dynamic values for each object in the list of elements, i.e. product A with EAN11122233344 will have informational feature in the form of the price '12,50' and product B with EAN11122233355 will have the same feature but with the pricr '50,00'. When you import a link to a photo embedded on a public server, the mobile application will display (and embed the photo), e.g. when you wish to present a photo of what it looks like besides the product name. The template for the import file is in this article, and under the right mouse button in the Task Generator for the 'Import' button in this section. 

The import file contains the following columns:

  • Label - This is the product ID for which dynamic values are to be displayed.
  • DynamicValue1 - Any feature that will be imported under the {{item_value_1} tag.}
  • DynamicValue2 - Any feature that will be imported under the tag {{item_value_2}}.
  • DynamicValue[n] - Similarly for successive variables where 'N' is the next number
Tags {{item_value_1}}, {{item_value_2}}, etc. can be used in a sub-task that has been linked to the item list. We recommend using the "Read Text" command to display product information, but the Tag can also be used in other commands in the command description fields.
If the section with mapping values for the Elements Lists is not visible in the Task Generator, activate this function in the general settings of the application via the parameter: DisplayDynamicValuesSegment

Import template for element list

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