Forbidden Execution

Sometimes it may not be possible to fully execute a command. The product that the user is supposed to take a picture of may not be available, or the correct member of staff may not be able to evaluate it, because that member of staff is not on duty at that time. For such situations the functionality named  Forbidden Execution has been created. The task in which this functionality has been used is still mandatory to complete, but the user has the possibility to indicate that they cannot execute it and then they will be able to execute further commands.
 This functionality can be found in Advanced command configuration settings.

If you wish to use this function you should: 
1) Tick the Forbidden Execution box
2) Set the label for Forbidden Execution. The text entered will be displayed in the given command with a function that enables the non-performance of the task. 
How to run the function: 
Forbidden Execution is available in the Take Photo and Rating commands. If Forbidden Execution is not visible in these commands in the Task Generator, pay attention to two variables in the application configuration. In TOOLS -> Application configuration - there is a variable called DisplayExecutionForbiddenSegment. Enabling this variable is necessary to display an additional option (Forbidden Execution in the Task Generator. Another variable for this option is ExecutionForbiddenSegmentCommandTypes. Here, type the ID of the command type (Take Photo or Rating), in which you want the Forbidden Execution option to be visible in the Task Generator. The command type ID is predefined.
Command type ID:
Take a photo = 6
Evaluation = 9
View in the mobile app:
Forbidden Execution in the 'Take Photo' command before selecting the option

It is forbidden to execute in the 'Rating' command after ticking the option 

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