Promotional performance audit

The TakeTask application can be successfully used as a tool to help document all kinds of audits. It can be used, for example, when carrying out a promotion performance audit. Thanks to this, senior management will have information on how their stores or other points of sale adapt to (and perform in) the conducted promotional campaigns. As we know, the key to the success of such campaigns is to carry them out in align with and on the same principles in all specific points of sale.

Task configuration

The configuration of the task parameters follows a standard procedure, which is described in detail here.
Assuming that our object of interest will be a fast food restaurant chain, which introduced a weekend promotion for its products. Within the framework of this promotion posters were placed on the front door, wobblers at kiosks for ordering food and video materials were sent to the restaurant to appear on TV sets presenting the offer and employees were asked to inform customers about the promotion during weekends.

The audit is to be conducted once in each location, so the number of tasks in the location is set to '1'. The same applies to setting the maximum number of tasks in the location for one user. Additionally, as the audits of promotion execution are carried out within a tight time frame, we do not set daily cycles, but only narrow the project duration with the date and time of task completion and the date and time of deadline. This will motivate performers to adjust the appearance of their points to the current promotion as soon as possible. Additionally, it should be noted that the task requires acceptance. A task with acceptance means that in order for the task to change its status to 'accepted' it must be accepted by the supervisor in the mobile application or in the web panel. If a supervisor finds out that the promotion has been incorrectly executed, they will be able to reject the task or return it to be executed again in order to execute the promotion correctly.

We then define a group of users who are to perform this task. Assigning users is described in detail in this article or here (in the case of a large number of individual users).

Task generator

We start to create a task in the generator.
The task consists of the following commands:

Task appearance in the task generator

Task appearance in the mobile application (step by step)





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