Vehicle inspection at the logistics centre

The TakeTask application can be successfully used as a tool for all kinds of controls. Thanks to the step-by-step execution of commands, the user can make a comprehensive check of a given issue without worrying that they will forget about something. An example of such an application can be a task enabling the control of vehicles both entering and leaving a logistics centre. After choosing one of the options (Entry/Exit), the 'controller' will receive a set of commands to perform, which will guarantee an appropriate, repeatable level of control. Such a task will also allow you to configure an automatic report showing vehicle traffic on a given day or period. In addition, the execution of each control by the application will allow to check the conscientiousness of the execution of these controls by persons entering and leaving the vehicles.

Task parameters

The configuration of the task parameters follows a standard procedure, which is described in detail here.

Due to the fact that traffic is 24 hours a day, we do not set any daily or non-standard cycles. The task has a section called "Tasks of unlimited duration", which means that it will be displayed in the section of other tasks in the mobile application. Thanks to such settings it will be visible all the time. Additionally, no execution limits have been set, so the task will still be visible and available for the next execution after completion.

Next, we define a group of users who are to perform this task. Assigning users is described in detail in this article (in the case of a large number of single users).

Task generator

Commands that make up the process will depend on the areas controlled during entry and exit. By separating the selection paths, the user can be required to control other aspects at entry and others at exit.
Commands used in the task:

Task appearance in the task generator

Task appearance in mobile application (step by step)

The entrance gateway is open to the public:


Control during departure:


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