
Situations such as store availability audits often require the design of a task with a large number of repetitive activities. Sub-processes allow to significantly speed up and order the work in the Task Generator, also increasing process efficiency. There are no limits concerning how many sub-processes can be built or used.
Sub-processes are built parallel to the main process, placing the commands that the sub-process should contain between 'Start sub-process' and 'End sub-process' as shown below:

Then, enter the 'Start Sub-process' command and give it a unique name:

In this way, a ready-made sub-process has been built, consisting of the 'Read Text' and 'Take Photo' commands. It can be used in the main process by placing the sub-process command within it:

Next, in the middle of this command choose which sub-process it should represent:

Sub-processes allow you to use almost all capabilities of the Task Generator, excluding mapping values, duplicate commands, 'Add Reward' and 'Item List' (Item List can use sub-processes for this).

To use the command we need to configure some parameters:

  • Command title (up to 80 characters)
  • Command description (up to 600 characters)
  • Order
  • Sub-process name and sub-process selection in the sub-process command

Commands in sub-processes are displayed in the mobile app just like grouped commands (it is worth remembering that the whole sub-process consists of obligatory steps only).

In the sub-process command it is possible to transfer the values assigned dynamically to the sub-process, as described in the articles: Dynamic values per user and Dynamic values per location .
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