Starting, Finishing and Visibility of tasks
This article explains how to configure the areas of visibility, the start and end of tasks as well as describes the concept of location and location groups.
Locations of tasks
Each task is assigned a location where the task is to be performed. This allows you to define where the user performing the task must be located. Locations to the task are assigned indirectly by defining the Location Group for the task (see Creating a new task - no article). The location group is defined in the Location Manager. For each location, Users (Agents) are assigned who can perform tasks in that location. Users are added to the location through the 'Edit Location' screen.
Location Group A is assigned to Task X. Locations B and C are located in the Location Group. Location B is assigned to Agent 1 and Location C is assigned to Agent 1 and Agent 2. Thus, Task X will be possible to be performed in Location B by Agent 1 and in Location C by Agent 1 and Agent 2.
Task Visibility
The task is visible for 'Agents' assigned to the task if they are physically close enough to the task location and are assigned to that location. The maximum distance an 'Agent' has to be from the location to see the task is determined by the 'rank' (maximum distance) of the 'User'.
Example 1:
Task A is defined for the group of locations where Location B is located and is assigned to Agents 1, 2 and 3. Only two agents are assigned to Location B: Agent 1 and Agent 2. Agent 1 with the maximum distance of 5,000 is at a distance of 4,000 meters from Location B, so he will see the available task. Agent 2 with the maximum distance of 10,000 is 15,000 meters away from Location B, so he will not see the task. Agent 3 ranked 5,000 is within 300 meters of Location B but is not assigned to this location, so he will not see the task even though he is assigned to it.
If you select the option "Skip user ranks" in the task configuration, the task will be visible to all users assigned to the task and the respective locations, regardless of their maximum distance parameters.
Example 2:
In task A of example 1, the 'Skip user ranks' option is checked. In this case Agents 1 and 2 see the task (the maximum distances are ignored). Agent 3 still does not see the task because he is not assigned to Location B.
Starting the task
In order to start the task, the user must be at an appropriate distance from his location. In contrast to the visibility of the task - ATOWER, the maximum distance from the location is determined by the parameter 'Radius of the task area', which is defined in the Location Manager. So it may happen that the user can see the task but will not be able to start it until it reaches the indicated location.
Finishing the task
The user can send their answers and finish the task if they are located at a distance from the location of the task set by the parameter "area to finish task". This parameter is set when creating the task (link to art). If the user is outside the task completion area, they can execute commands in the task (e.g. take a photo) but the result of the executed command will not be sent to the server and the application will display a location error. The content of the answer will be sent when the user is in the correct area.
The area where the task ends is usually larger than the area where the task starts ("Radius of the task area"). Thanks to that, in case of sending a large amount of data to the server (e.g. a movie) the user can safely leave the location and the result of their task will be sent to the server.
The user executes Task X in a location with a start area of 500 meters and an end area of 10,000 meters from the task location. After reaching the appropriate location, the user records a video and goes home. Uploading the video takes a few minutes but thanks to the large completion area of the task it can be uploaded during the return trip.