Creating a cyclic / repetitive task

A recurring task is a task that will appear to users at specified times of the week/month. There are three types of cycles: daily, weekly and monthly. To set up a recurring task, select the type of "recurring" task in the general settings of the task.

Cycles can be repeated every specific number of days or weeks. 
Configuration of cycles repeated every specific number of days:
  • Repeat - How many days the task is to appear in the application
  • From - The time from which the task will be active for the assigned users
  • To - The time until which the task will be active for the assigned users
Example configuration of the daily cycle:
With this setting, the task will be available to the assigned users every day between 8am and 10am.
Configuration of cycles repeated every specific number of weeks:
  • Repeat every - For how many weeks the cycle should be activated
  • On which days of the week the task should be active for the assigned users
  • From - The time from which the task will be active for the assigned users
  • Cycle length - For how many minutes/hours the task is to be active. After the specified time the task will disappear from the list of 'User tasks'. 
Example configuration:
With this setting, the task will be available for assigned users on weekdays from 8am-10am (120 minutes). The cycle will run every week. 
You can set more than one cycle for a task, use the Add cycle button to do this.
With this setting the task will be active on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. 
Number of tasks for all tasks by group
The number of repetitions per cycle per location is the number of times a task within each cycle is to be performed for each location uploaded to the project. Setting the value to '1' means that after completing the task in one location, the task for that location will disappear, but will be available in other locations. If the value is set to '2', the task will disappear only after it is completed twice in a given location. 
The recurring task appears in the application with an 'infinity' sign, which indicates the repeatability of the process. In the case of a task, there is information about the amount of time remaining until the end of the cycle session (i.e. how much time you have to complete the task until it disappears). 
View of the recurring task in the mobile application: 
  1. List of tasks 
  2.  Map 
  3. Selected task to be performed 

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