Client - Creating and Editing

In order to create a new client, enter into the 'Clients' section and then press the 'New Client' button (in blue).

Next, you will see fields such as 'Status' ('Active' or 'Inactive'), Company Name, System Name, NIP, Client's address, Postcode, City, Currency, Current Balance and Credit Limit. After filling in the fields which are necessary for you, press the 'Save' button in the upper-right corner.

The Client's profile is divided into four tabs:

  • Client's data - A set of basic contact details for the client, supplementing them in the platform enables exporting this data to other systems. Obligatory fields are the Company Name and System Name.
  • Activity history - Shows a register of the tasks performed related to the client.

  • Financial history - Shows the register of acknowledgements and charges to the client's balance performed by tasks in which there is a settlement on the basis of a selected currency (e.g. PLN).
  • User List - Transfers to the User List with a filter to the users connected to this client.

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