Clients - View description

This view is available in the left navigation menu. The description of the operation can be found in the following article: Client - object description, creating and editing of clients is described in the article:Client - Creation and Editing

The view presents the following set of information:

  • Client name and avatar - added when creating the client.
  • Client Status - Possible statuses are 'Active' and 'Inactive'. In the case of 'Inactive', all tasks added to this client will be hidden.
  • Founding Date - The date the client was created in the platform.

In the upper-right corner it is possible to set the visibility of the columns. For example, you can select the customer balance. The balance will show the current status of generated costs by all tasks from the beginning of collecting this information added to a given client, the credit granted, adding credit value to the client and activating tasks with a negative balance, system name, currency, postal code or location address.

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