Importing locations

With the 'Import Location' function, we can, en masse, add a location to a given 'Location Group' together with added mobile users.

To import the data, go to the 'Locations tab', then in the 'Location Manager' find your desired 'Location Group'.

You will then be moved to the 'Edit Location' view, where we are interested in the "Import / Export" button: 

You can download a template of the import file by pressing the left mouse button on the import button or right at the bottom of this article. As in the picture below:

The import file contains the following columns:

ExternalID - The ID of the location under which the marker will appear in the system (obligatory)
Address - The address of the location, in any way without semicolons (obligatory). This address will be sent to the Google Maps API to determine the coordinates of the location if these have not been imported.
Name - The short name of the location that is displayed in the system, we suggest using a shorter name for a clearer view for users. For example, in 'Address' field, the address should consist of the information: Poland, 00-682 Warsaw, Hoża 86 - where the name of the location will suffice for us e.g. Warsaw, Hoża 86 - or any other unambiguous location information.
Latitude - The latitude of a location. Influences the location of the place on the map. If you leave it blank, the application will try to match the coordinates from the address (optional).
Longitude - Longitude of a point. It influences the location of the place on the map. If left blank, the application will try to match the coordinates from the address (optional).
Radius - The maximum distance the mobile user must be away from the location to start the task. The area has the shape of a circle. (obligatory).
Status - Location status can be either active - value 1, or inactive value 0 (obligatory).
Users - Login of a mobile user to be assigned to a given location to perform tasks there (optional).
UserGroups - The name of the group of mobile users assigned to this location (optional).
Client - The name of the client if the location features are to be different for different clients, if not, then leave it blank (optional).
LocationProperties - Location features (more about location features can be found here).
Save the file as a CSV UTF-8 file.

After choosing the import option, point to a semicolon separated CSV file with UTF-8 encoding and import it.
Please Note: Separate the values in one column with commas, not semicolons. 
IMPORTANT INFO: The location name and address must not contain any special characters other than the following: a space, comma, hyphen, slash - otherwise some functions may not work properly.
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