Commissioning of several ad-hoc tasks by a manager performing one task

A manager performing a shop quality assessment has the option of ordering several ad-hoc correction tasks during the execution of a single task. In this way, he or she maintains continuity in the execution of the assessment and is facilitated in the case of dozens of orders. 

If a negative answer is selected, the manager describes the item to be corrected and, once the task has been assigned, can move on to the next recommendation. 
The person completing the correction tasks is shown the individual instructions so that no mistakes or omissions are made. 


To allow multiple ad-hoc tasks to be executed during the execution of a single task, select 'Yes' next to the Generate ad-hoc task from sub-process item. 
When this sub-item is checked, the following fields will appear:

  • Ad-hoc task name - enter the ID of the command from which the response will be the name of the task created. If the Fixed task name option is selected, enter a name that will be a fixed name for the task each time it is performed. 
  • Ad-hoc task description - enter the ID of the command from which the response will be the description of the created task. If the Fixed task description option is selected, enter a description that will be a fixed description of the task each time it is performed. 
  • Ad-hoc task deadline date - enter the command ID Date from which the response will be the deadline date of the created task. If the Fixed task deadline date option is selected, enter the number of days for how many days the task will be visible from the date of execution.
  • End date of the ad-hoc task - enter the ID of the command Date from which the answer will constitute the end date of the created task. If the Fixed task deadline date option is selected, enter the number of days for how many days the task will be visible from the execution date. If the Deadline date equal to the end date option is checked, the date will automatically be set to the same as the end date.
  • Priority of ad-hoc task - enter the ID of a one-choice command in which the user performing the task selects the type of task to be ordered. A one-choice command specifying the type of task may include the following types: priority, standard, informative. By selecting Fixed priority you should specify what type of task is to be generated from this sub-process.
  • Ad-hoc task template - enter the ID of the daughter task that will be cloned each time this command is executed. The process of cloning and assigning tasks to subordinates is the same as for standard ad-hoc tasks. 
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