Task board

The task board is the digital answer to the traditional Kanban board. Its virtual equivalent is available on touch screens. The Task Board is available in the panel under "My Tasks" in the "Task Board" section.

The Task Table presents an array with a static number of columns considering the 7 days of the week and with an arbitrary number of rows. The first row of the "Unassigned" array presents tasks that have not yet been assigned to any employee. The following rows correspond to the individual shop employees.
The user of the web panel can move and leave the selected tab of the task by touching and not tearing the finger, or change the position of the object by holding and moving it to any other column of the day and / or row below.  By double-clicking/tapping on the task card, the user can move to the task execution.

Configuration assumptions

Visibility of Task Boards is conditioned by enabled permission: Can display task boards

In order for a task to be displayed as a task card in the Task Board view, when creating the task, two parameters must be checked in the "Advanced settings " tab:
  • Skip location check
  • Show in tasks board

Elements of the Task Board

1. Switching the view between weeks

Switching the view between weeks is possible thanks to the drop-down list of weeks. This list is available at the top of the Task Board. It is divided into a numerical designation of the week and a date range. The drop-down list includes the current week and 5 weeks back.

2. Virtual users

The addition/deletion of virtual users (employees of a particular shop) is available in 'Edit Mode'. To switch to creating new users or editing existing users, make a 'swipe' motion to the right next to the 'Edit Mode' button. This is located to the right of the Blackboard view. Once you have made your changes, you need to deactivate the edit mode. 

In edit mode, you can give/edit a name and an avatar for the user and also set a holiday for the virtual user. 

The section "User leave" provides the possibility to create/edit absenteeism information for virtual users to select absences and deactivate the available field. 
In the user edit, it is possible to select a leave date and indicate the reason for the absence. Assigning a holiday will move all tasks assigned to the user to the "Unassigned" section. On each day in the user's line where a leave has been set, information will be displayed that includes the word "HOLIDAY", the date and the reason for the absence. The leave can be easily deleted and its date or reason can be edited in the user edit mode.
Important! You cannot set holidays more than 5 weeks in advance or in the past.

3. Filtering

The user can narrow the view of the Blackboard by using filters in the form of avatars/employee icons corresponding to the number of rows. Tapping on an avatar will highlight its border in blue and show the tasks assigned to that particular employee. Filtering can include both single and multiple users.
Each virtual user has an individual avatar and name. Two users with the same names cannot be added to the Task Board.

4. Tasks

Tasks displayed on Blackboard can be created in the web panel in the "All tasks" tab -> "New task".
In order for a task to be displayed as a task card in the Task Board view, when creating a task, two parameters must be checked in the "General settings " tab:
  • Skip location checking
  • Display on Task Board
  • Counting of unassigned tasks
The count of unassigned tasks is available next to the view of virtual users' avatars. Unassigned tasks are visible in the 'Unassigned' line
Structure of the task card
On a task card displayed on Blackboard, regardless of the type of task, two elements are visible:
  • task name - is analogous to the title of the 'Start' command in the generator.
  • deadline date - the date set in the "Task parameters" tab.
Visibility and transfer of tasks
The task is visible on the board in the view of the week in which the deadline date falls. If the deadline date falls on 23.09 then the task will be visible in week 38 (20.09-26.09). From then on, it can be moved between days and workers up to the end date of the task.
Moving the task to another day will NOT change the deadline date displayed on the board.
Example 1: The task has been set:
  • start date : 22.09
  • deadline date: 23.09
  • end date: 25.09
On the task board, the user sees a task card with a deadline date of 23.09. He can move the task card to other days within the timeframe of the whole week. From 20.09 (Monday) to 26.09 (Sunday).
If the user moves the task card from 23.09 to:
  • 20.09 - then the deadline date visible on the task card will not change from 23.09 to 20.09
  • 24.09 - then the deadline date visible in the task card will not change from 23.09 to 24.09
  • 26.09, that is the date exceeding the deadline date - the deadline date visible in the task card will be highlighted in red
Example 2:
If the deadline for a task is on a Friday and the employee would like to move it to the following week, do so in the Task Settings, available in the task edit:
  1. In the "All tasks" tab, enable the visibility of the "Name in mobile app" column
  2. Search for the specific task by the name visible on the task tab on Blackboard.
  3. Go into the edition of this task.
  4. At the tab "Task parameters" change the deadline date to a day you are interested in (so that it is valid in the next week).
  5. The task will be moved to the next week.
Important! It is necessary to remember about analogous change of the end date of the task. Otherwise the system will display a message about incorrect dates. 

Important! The possibility of moving cyclical tasks on the Task Board has been partially blocked. This blockade prevents the user from mistakenly moving several cyclical tasks on the same day. In special cases, in order to allow moving cyclic tasks, the parameter CanMoveCyclicalTasksOnDashboard must be enabled in the Application Settings. If the parameter is disabled, a user who wants to move a cyclic task to another day will see the message: "The cyclic task cannot be moved". Cyclic tasks can be moved between rows - employees, but not between columns - days.

Distinguishing the graphic status of tasks
In the Task Board view, it has been made possible to distinguish the status of a given task by marking the task card with a selected colour:
  • status executed (when pressed, it moves to the possibility of task verification);
  • after verification - status accepted (after pressing it moves to the result of the verification of the task)
  • Status not executed (after pressing the task card the message is displayed: Task is no longer executable); the status of a task to non-executable changes when: todos will be archived, the end date has passed and there is no agenttask (execution).
  • after verification - status rejected (after clicking on the task card the message is displayed: The task is no longer executable)
  • after verification - status rejected returned for correction, in short "returned" (if in the task the checkbox "Rejected task return for correction" has been checked).
  • A task returned for correction through the Task Board view cannot be corrected, the correction is possible only through mobile - the task will appear in the "tasks for correction" section.
  • After clicking on the tile of a rejected task returned for correction, the same behaviour as in the case of the rejected status is observed, i.e. after clicking on the task tab a message is displayed: The task is no longer executable. (in the future, changing the colour of the tab of the returned task to orange)
  • new task to perform
  • blue - status of the task started/in progress (after clicking on the task card it moves to the possibility of completing the task; after moving back from the task in progress view in the web, the answers are not kept and must be filled in again). A blue task card can be "reset" to white by going to tasks and clicking on "Abort task".
Graphical distinction of task type
From the level of the Task Board the user can distinguish two types of tasks: priority tasks and information tasks.
Priority tasks, with the highest priority, have been marked with a red icon of three exclamation marks. Additionally, the names of these tasks are automatically highlighted in red, suggesting their highest priority.

Informational tasks (available for a specific week) are displayed in the right-side, blue slide-out bar at the bottom of the Blackboard view. Each new task is separated by a dot.

Executing tasks from the Task Board level
From the Task Board level, the user can proceed to the task execution by clicking/tapping on the task card.
Important! After moving back from the view of the task being performed in the web, the answers are not kept. However, the user can still see on the Blackboard that a specific task has been started before (the task tab is highlighted in blue).
Automatic refresh of the Task Board view
Data on the Task Board is refreshed automatically every 5 minutes
Virtual tasks (local)
It is possible to create so called virtual tasks directly from the Task Board view. Virtual tasks are displayed only within one browser/one device and kept in the cookies of the respective browser.
Example: A virtual task has been created on device "A" via the Google Chrome browser.
  1. Any user who logs into their account on device "A" via the Google Chrome browser will see the virtual task created.
  2. If a user logs in to their account on device "A" but through another browser (e.g. Firefox), they will not see the virtual tasks previously created for their account on the Google Chrome browser.
  3. If the user logs in to another device "B" in the Google Chrome or other browser, he will also not see the virtual tasks created on device "A" in the Google Chrome or other browser.
Virtual tasks are created from the Task Board view, via the " + New task" button:
In order to correctly save a virtual task, you must complete the Name of the task and the Deadline Date. Optionally, you can add a task description and/or comment.
Note: The deadline date determines on which day the created virtual task will be displayed on the Task Board. In the case of virtual tasks, the start date and end date of the task are not set.

When you create a virtual task, it will automatically appear in the "Unassigned" section.

Virtual tasks can only be marked as "Completed" or "Not completed". To do this, click once on a virtual task and select the appropriate status. The task will automatically be marked green if "Completed" is selected, or red if "Undone" is selected. Once changed, the status of a virtual task can be changed again as many times as you wish.

Vacation- multiple deadlines

The user has the option of setting multiple holiday dates in the virtual user account. 

To set up a holiday, please:
  1. Activate edit mode (the button is located in the top right corner)
  2. A pen (editing option) will appear under the user name
  3. After pressing the edit icon, the following view will turn on:
  4. Enter the reason for the leave and how long the leave will last.
  5. After clicking on Save, you will return to the main screen, where you will see the holiday you have set.

If another vacation is to be added, the above steps must first be followed by clicking Add Vacation.

Tasks that have been assigned to a user during a vacation will be detached from the user automatically, and if a vacation already exists, it is not possible to assign the task to the user on those days. 
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