Basic information and materials to be provided by Partner

  1. Basic information
    1. System Name
    2. Countries where the app is to be available:
    3. Available languages in the mobile app:
    4. Available languages in the administrator web panel:
  2. Materials to be provided by Partner/Client:
    1. Client mobile application name - max 22 characters
    2. Client logo in vector format e.g. pdf, ai, svg
    3. Favicon/Pictogam logo - display in a 512x512 px square
    4. Mobile application icon in resolution: 180x120 px and 512x512 px in WEBP format
    5. Splash screen for Mobile Application in WEBP format in resolutions:
      1. 1280x1920 px
      2. 960x1600 px
      3. 720x1280 px
      4. 480x800 px
      5. 400x100 px (or 1600x400 px) no background
      6. 320x480 px
      7. 200x320 px
      8. Each image file must be made available in any electronic form (e.g. email), in a separate folder, and all files in one named: Splash screens. The background for the splash screen must be in a separate file from the logo and other graphic elements on the splash screen. Graphic elements in the splash screen should not come out from the edges of the project. For screen resolutions bigger than 1280x1920 px, the background will be automatically filled with one color, which should be taken into account when designing the graphics.
    6. Splashscreen for Google Play store in resolution: 1024x500 px
    7. Description of the application publicly visible in the GooglePlay store. A short description up to 100 characters, long description up to 600 characters.
    8. Other graphics, video, descriptions, and necessary consents that may be requested by Google or Apple in the review process for an application released to the Google Play/Apple Store
    9. Application lead color - RGB or hex
    10. Web domain address for the website
    11. SMS override
    12. SMS API key
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