Avatar support
This functionality allows to overwrite and later change an avatar. When the logo of the whole app is uploaded it overwrites avatars of e.g.: groups, locations. Later it is possible to change the avatar of a specific location using the GUI (manually in the panel) or import/export of the location (specifying the avatar name with extension in the import file).
These are the options for handling the avatar using the location import/export file:
The ability to import (overwrite) an avatar with a file. Note that if no file is overwritten then the default avatar becomes the system avatar, there is no situation where there is no avatars. Within the import, it is possible to specify the name of the file to be imported.
Possibility to export (using avatar file name) when exporting location.
How to import (and export) an avatar step by step:
1. Go to the location tab and for the appropriate location group import:
In the imported file, in "LocationProperties", enter the avatar name with its extension, e.g.: {"AvatarUrl": "nameavatara.png"} and fill in the additional information.
2. Once imported, individual locations will appear in the location group:
3. Entering 'Edit location' will take you to the view with the imported logo of the location.
4. In the "Location Features" tab you will see the following avatar data that was entered in the imported file, i.e. for this imported location the AvatarUrl property should have the value changed to "api/settings/LocationAvatarFiles/locationavatar/shell.png"
How to manually upload an avatar in the GUI:
Go to the specific location and use the "change image" button to upload the appropriate avatar for the location.