Accepting/Rejecting tasks en masse

In the web panel it is possible to - en masse - reject or accept tasks performed in the app. In order to do so, the following steps should be taken:

All tasks -> verification of tasks of a specific task:

In order to make an assessment en masse you should select the tasks by ticking the square on the left-hand side of the task as in the picture below. At the bottom of the page you will see the tasks marked with the possibility to accept, reject or go to verification of answers.

After marking the assessment, the panel will verify that the person wants to assess the marked (completed) tasks.

After confirmation, the tasks are displayed as assessed in the panel (in this case - acceptance).

Mass shift support - Task verification view
The checkboxes (on the left-hand side of the table), trigger a bar with the action of editing the task statuses en masse to appear at the bottom.
The possibility of mass action:
Verify answers (white button like editing in such views)
Accept tasks (green button according to styles)
Reject tasks (red according to styles)
In the tags of selected rows names from the first column are shown (i.e. location names)
In tooltip, information is added accordingly:
-The marked tasks will be accepted (all their commands) without the possibility of adding a comment.
-The marked tasks will be rejected (all their commands) without the possibility of adding a comment.
[Backend] tip for mass acceptance/rejection of tasks
The tip needed for mass acceptance/rejection of tasks in verification:
POST /taskverification/bulkFinish?status=
similar to /taskvierification/finish only that without agentTaskId and operatorComment in queryPrams
in the post I will send josin from id ribbons
ids: [3,4]
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