Application version 1.32 dated 13.12.2019

List of application changes in version 1.32

1. Bug fixes:
  • Broken links in the task description.
  • The performance level of the mobile application drops during tasks with large number of commands (e.g. 'Yes / No' command).
  • No possibility to delete user groups.
  • The possibility of entering a negative value in the 'Number' command.
  • No mandatory marking of the commands configuration fields in the Task Generator.
  • Setting the selection range of the number 0-0 in the 'Number' command allowed to enter any non-negative number in it.
  • Displaying the recording in an oval frame in the 'Record Video' command.
  • Incorrect display of content in the 'Read Text' command when photos or additional comments are attached.
  • An item pressed outside a button was treated as that button being pressed.
  • Too small a distance between interface elements and occasional overlapping of elements.
  • Incorrect number of repetitions in the 'Multiple Selection' command with path duplication if the next command is 'Add Price'.
  • Incorrect maximum number of duplicates using the 'Duplicate' command.
  • Displaying the wrong default location upon application startup.
  • Pressing the selected answer again in the 'Yes/No' command changes this answer.
  • Incorrect message when trying to load a video recording of a length outside the set range.
  • Continuous audio recording after reaching the recording time limit.
  • 90-degree rotation of profile photos on Android phones.
  • Possibility to group elements not directly connected.
  • Occasionally marking commands as executed when entering the command preview.
  • Changing the response in the 'Multiple Selection' command after returning to the task.
  • Incorrect display of command descriptions.
  • Not displaying pictures in the mobile application in task descriptions.
  • Incorrect display of 'Multiple Selection' commands in the mobile application on iOS.
  • Not displaying photos in commands' descriptions.
  • Unable to terminate the 'Multiple Selection' command in the mobile application on iOS.
  • Display Command title "Yes/No" adjusted to left side of screen instead of centre.
  • Occasional suspension of tasks at the stage of their completion.
  • Changing the date of the deadline in a task does not update the visible date in the 'Task Map' view.
  • Incorrect display of text contained in the 'Publish' command.
  • Task markers on the 'Task Map' do not sum up their number.
  • Unable to execute 'Record Audio' after interrupting this command within any task.
  • Stopping of the application when trying to edit the e-mail address in the profile settings.
  • Incorrect display of Task Generator interface elements.
  • Displaying the status name "Zwrócony" as "Returned" in the Polish language version of the web panel.
  • No pictures visible in the 'Draw' command hints.
  • The possibility to finish the task without completing it from the task preview if the 'Duplicate' command is present in the task.
  • The option to omit the 'Dynamic Selection' command if it is combined with the 'Add Price' and 'Duplicate' commands.
  • You can skip the 'Watch Video' command. (Watch video command is added with the purpose of the user having to watch the video for reference or instruction).
  • Overlapping of the on-screen keyboard with the mobile application login screen buttons on some mobile devices.
  • Unable to complete the task in some projects.
  • Displaying an error message for a correctly configured 'Open Question' command.
  • Changing the location of tasks when entering and exiting the application.
  • Some tasks cannot be paused.
  • Delayed display of dynamic values.
  • Some links in task description after duplication not functioning properly.
  • Occasionally displaying all commands in a task as executed at the beginning of its execution.
  • Incorrect display of column headers in the web panel.
2. New functionalities:
  • Subtasks - a functionality allowing to use smaller tasks in the main task process.
  • List of elements + subtasks - function substitution: 'Form', 'EAN Scanning', 'EAN List', 'Product List' commands.
  • Placing location parameters in the content of the task - this allows for a personalised description of the task for each location.
  • Displaying a list of all locations where the task is available in 'Agents View'. 
  • New filtering options for users performing tasks.
  • Display of the user's name who edited the status of the task result for the last time.
3 Changes:
  • If a HACCP report is used, the task is considered to have been completed in the report after the result has been sent, and not after its evaluation by the superior.
  • The description of the command is no longer mandatory - in the case of an empty field it will not be displayed in the mobile application.
  • New 'Summary' command icon.
  • Removed the limitations of numerical ranges in the 'Number' command.
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