User Profile

Main menu -> Users -> User profile

This view is used to edit user data and also to view their activity. Within the user profile the following views are available:
User profile - Contains detailed data about the user, including their privileges
Activity history - Contains the history of the user's activity, the list of saved activities such as attempting to start a task, starting a task, completing a task, etc.
Task history - Contains the history of tasks performed by the user
Points history - Includes the history of points gained/lost for tasks

User profile

  • Login - Username of the user, used when logging into the mobile app
  • E-mail - The user's e-mail address
  • First name - The user's first name
  • Surname - The user's surname
  • Mobile phone - The user's mobile phone number
  • Password - Allows the user to change the password
  • User employee - Indicates whether the user is treated as an employee of the client. If this box is ticked then the user while performing a task in the mobile app will see the instructions perform and navigate. If this box is not ticked, the user will see the points or monetary reward.
  • Link to client - Indicates the connection between the user and a particular client
  • Privileges - A role that a user has (determines what rights a user has)
  • TakeTask agent - Ticking this box means that the user is assigned to the default instance client
  • Position - Indicates the position (role) of the user
  • Superior - informs about who is the superior of this user (user may have more than one superior)
  • Status - Can be active or inactive. Only active status will allow the user to use the web panel fully.
  • Points - Informs about the number of points gained by the user
  • Range of visibility - Informs about the radius on the map within which the user will see available tasks
  • Country (abbreviation) - Informs about your country of origin
  • Language - decides on the language into which the panel will be translated for a given user (currently there is a choice of Polish and English
Below the User Profile there is a window for selecting groups of users to which you can assign a user by searching the group name and then clicking the black arrow. The user should be assigned to the group that will now be visible in the window above.
Below the User Groups selection window there is a window for adding Tags. Tags are key words that describe user features, they can be freely created and depend only on customer needs. Assigning Tags consists in searching for a given tag and moving it to Selected Tags by clicking on the black arrow on the right side of the tag.
Below the User Groups selection window there is a window for selecting groups of locations to which you can assign a user by searching the group name and then clicking the green button. The user should be assigned to the location group which will now be visible in the window above. 

Activity History tab (updated 15.03.21) (rc.2.61.3)

The A ctivity History tab shows a user's activity in the mobile app in detail. The basic information you can find in this section is:
  • Activity type: Logging into the application; Downloading a task list; Attempting to start a task; Starting a task; Attempting to complete a task; Executing a task; Rejecting a task; Attempting to cancel a task; Logging out.
  • Date of last execution
  • Task name: Activity not associated with a task (such as logging into the app or downloading a task list) or task name. (The task name displayed is the web name/not the task name given in the Generator in the "Start" command).
  • Coordinates - The precise whereabouts of the user when performing this task.
Additionally you can add columns such as:
  • Operating system - Information about the operating system within which the task was performed, for mobile devices it will be Android or iOS, for PC - Windows or MacOS.
  • Device - Information about the model of the device for mobile apps, e.g. Sony Xperia, for PCs - the name of the browser, e.g. Chrome, Firefox.
  • Source - The type of device used, the word "Mobile" for actions performed in the mobile app, and "PC" for actions performed on computers.
  • Application version - The version of the app on which the action was performed, for mobile devices it will be the mobile app version, for "PC" - backend application version.

Task History tab

The Task history tab shows the name of the project, its status (e.g. rejected, accepted) and date of execution.
Points History tab 
The Points History tab shows exactly how many points the agent received for which task and when exactly they were recieved.
Task Date - Date and time of the task.
Task Type - Which command was performed (e.g. adding points).
Project Name - The name of the project for which the agent received points.
Number of points - The number of points scored by the agent. 

User holiday

Setting a user holiday involves disabling the appearance of tasks to be performed in the mobile application only for a given user. After logging into the application, the user should see a graphic informing about the leave being taken.
Task status - this is a leave on/off switch. When the holiday is "Inactive" the fields "Holiday Start" and "Holiday End" are annealed. When holiday is "Active" the fields "Holiday Start" and "Holiday End" are highlighted in white and the dates set in the fields are active. When leave is activated the tasks in the mobile application should not appear and the output page shows graphics and information about the user's leave.
Holiday start - option of setting the date and time at which the user's holiday will start
End of leave - a possibility to set date and time to which the user's leave will last.
Exclude tasks for which leave will not apply - a possibility of searching for tasks, which will appear to the user in the mobile application despite the set leave.

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