Special characters

What special characters cannot be used in the app?

Guidelines for using special characters:
  • Import location - Address - special characters such as: space, comma, dash, diagonal slash to the right are accepted. Other characters are not present in addresses, so using other characters may cause an error coming from Google Maps API and not loading/recognising a given address and/or later exporting photos where a string from the address name appears in the file name.
  • Import location - Location name - special characters such as: space, comma, dash and underscore are allowed.
  • The following special characters can be used for the title of the command, the description of the command, the response in single selection and multiple selection commands as well as other input type fields: &#;,.%@!&*`~*{}[]()<>[space]
  • Import of dynamic data, mapping data, import of users, location groups - the following special characters are allowed: space, dash, comma (only for separating imported values if the import allows it)
It is possible to use letters characteristic of a given language that occur outside the basic set of letters from the Latin alphabet, e.g: ę, ś, á, é, ě, í, ó, ú, ů, ý etc.
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