Own name of downloadable photos

Description of functions

In the task verification view there is a possibility to download photos from the answers given. The default name of the downloaded photo consists of a unique photo ID, the photo itself is in the .jpg extension. 

It is possible to set any photo name of your own, e.g.: Sklep_Warszawa Marszalkowa 2019 Polska_20191212_1022


To set your own photo name mask, in the app configuration, in the field: GeneratePhotosPackagePhotosNameSchema enter the mask parameters from which the photo names will be generated after the decimal point. The photo name must be unique, so we recommend using the {DownloadTime} or {AnswerDate} parameter, which will ensure the uniqueness of the files thanks to its precise date. The mask parameters can be saved in a string or separated by characters:  "_" or "-". Examples of photo name masks: 
Example 1: 
Example 2: 
As part of the photo name, you can use dynamic names such as:
  • {LocationGroupSettingName} - Name of location group 
  • {LocationName} - Name of the location 
  • {LocationAddress} - Address of task execution 
  • {DownloadTime} - Date of downloading images in format dd_mm_yyyy_hh_mm_ss_FFFF 
  • {TaskId} - Task ID 
  • {FirstName} - Name of the user who took the photo
  • {LastName} - Name of the user who took the photo 
  • {AgentId} - ID of the user who took the photo 
  • {PhotoAddress} - Address where the photo was taken 
  • {AnswerDate} - Date the photo was taken in the format dd_mm_yyyy_hh_mm_ss_FFFF 
  • {UserLogin} - Username of the user who performed the tasks
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