Task Process / Task Generator
In each project you will see the option 'Go to Task Generator/Task Process'.
View of the Task Generator in the web panel:
After moving the cursor to the command, four icons will appear:
The 'Edit' icon allows you to format the title of the task/command and description of the task/command.
The 'Copy' icon allows you to duplicate a command. You cannot duplicate the START and PUBLISH commands.
The 'Connect' icon allows you to connect one command to another.
The 'Delete' item icon allows you to delete the command (the START and PUBLISH commands cannot be deleted).
To combine the START command with Take a Photo, move the cursor to the START command and press the combine icon. After pressing this icon, select the command you wish to combine it with.
Combining two commands:
To delete a connection between commands, move the cursor to the connection you wish to delete.
Pressing on it twice, it will be deleted.
It is also possible to duplicate the commands via the 'copy' icon.
To save all settings, click one of the two buttons at the bottom of the screen:
Save - This button saves all changes. This button can be enabled/disabled in the app's parameters settings. Find the item DisplaySaveButtonInGenerator.
Save and close - This button saves all changes and closes the Task Generator. The page to which the user returns depends on the settings in the app parameters. The ReturnLinkInGenerator item can be linked to which page the user should return to after closing the Task Generator. This setting is common for all users of a given instance.
An example of a correct link: https://***.taketask.com/task/{taskId}/edit, where *** should be replaced by the instance name.