Available in all locations

This functionality is available under 'Task Settings', available in the 'Advanced Settings' section. The parameter to operate requires the setting: "User by rank" in the section 'Task for user' (marked with an arrow below), in the case of setting the "User to location" value (default value) the "Available in all locations" function will not work.

When the parameter is active within this task, the app will make the sentence visible, in all locations available within this task, to all users. This means that the condition of adding a user to a location and the condition of the visibility range of the task within the User by rank function is not taken into account (regardless of the visibility range the task will be visible). The conditions of task execution remain unchanged (the function available in all locations does not affect other conditions) for the user to start the task they must be in the right location (within range) and must be added to this task.

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