Narrow locations in the Task using a .csv file

Description of functions

Narrowing the location when editing a task allows to use an already existing group of locations, but with a reduced number of locations. For example, if you conduct research on the availability of products in hypermarkets, having one large set of hypermarkets, when you want to run the task only in part of them, you can use the narrowing file instead of creating a new group of locations. In this case, the tasks will appear only in selected locations. The location ID is used to narrow down the locations, the narrowing is only valid for the task in which the narrowing is done.

Configuration of functions:

In order to use the function, go to edit any task, then in the section named 'Task Locations' press the 'Import filter' button.

In the next step, download the file template (do not modify the names and number of columns in the template), complete it with the ID of the locations where the task is to be visible (the remaining locations will be hidden in the task), add the file and press the 'import' button.

After the import, you will see a filter, narrowing the locations to the selected ones with the name of the file you imported, and the list will show only the locations where the task is to be performed. To remove the filter and return to all the locations in the task, press the 'X' icon removing the narrowing. If you import the file again, the old file will be overwritten with values from the new file.

Please Note: The 'Filter' button allows to narrow down the location after the conditions regarding location characteristics. This function is available from version 1.60 onwards.

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