User location verification (WiFi and GPS)

In order to be able to start completing tasks within the app, the system verifies the location(s) of the phone/tablet which the employee is using.

This is done in two ways:
1. The location of the device by its GPS coordinates (required to enable the location of the device)
2. Verification on the basis of available WiFi networks

GPS location - The location of the device is verified by the satellite navigation system.

WiFi verification - The application verifies the location of the device on the basis of available WiFi networks.

In order to be able to verify after WiFi, you should provide the name of the WiFi network available in a given location in the administration panel. On the basis of this, the app will allow the user to start performing the task in the correct location. The device does not need to be connected to an authorised WiFi network, it is enough to see the network on the list. A template for assigning a network to a location is at the bottom of this article.

Network assignment template for location

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