Section for the task

The Task List on a mobile device is divided into sections which allow you to organise tasks into different categories (virtual division, ordering view on the Task List).

Configuration of the Task Section

In the Task Settings in the Task Section field you can choose in which section the task you created will be visible in the mobile app. There are two types of sections: predefined sections and configurable sections.

Pre-defined sections

The following sections are pre-defined and always available:

Task for today

The 'Tasks for Today' section is at the very top of the Task List. The tasks in this section have the word 'today' displayed in the deadline field, regardless of the deadline set in the task. The task will also appear in this section if the moment of execution is equal to the deadline date.

Task with no deadline

Tasks for which the 'Indefinite Task' section has been selected are displayed in the 'Other Tasks' section. These tasks have the word 'indefinite' displayed in the term field, regardless of the deadline set in the task.

Other Tasks

The 'Other Tasks' section is a special section to which tasks are automatically assigned. In this section there are tasks that do not have any section defined and tasks for which an indefinite task was selected in the 'Section' field. This section is not available in the 'section' field within the task settings in the web panel.

Historical Tasks

This is a special section where the tasks which have been performed appear. This section is not available in the 'section' field in the Task Settings of the web panel.

Configurable sections

The app administrator can define a set of configurable sections, which will be available for selection when editing the Task Settings. The sections are configured by modifying the TaskCustomSections field on the TOOLS -> Application configuration tab.
The format of the added sections must look like this (the next sections must be added after the decimal point):  {"SEKCJA1":"SEKCJA1", "SEKCJA2":"SEKCJA2"} 
Please Note: Section names are not translated into other languages.
Example of created sections:
{"Planning a day": "Planning a day", "Test section": "Test section"}

Sequence of section display

The sections in the mobile app Task List are arranged in the following order: 
  1. Tasks for today 
  2. Other tasks 
  3. Configurable sections (undefined order) 
  4. Historical tasks 
If you do not have any tasks in both sections ('Task for today' and 'Other tasks') these sections are not displayed. If the user does not have any tasks in any configurable section, this section is also not displayed.
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