I still have 'error 463 incorrect location' shown, what should I do?

If you are still receiving 'error 463 incorrect location', it means that there is either a problem with your location or with the task.

  1. At the beginning, check that your location matches the one indicated on the maps. If not, calibrate the maps, make sure you have high accuracy location mode enabled in your phone settings (sometimes your location may be jammed by the army, police or other services).
  2. Run Google Maps on your phone, press the "arrow" icon to locate yourself, then return to TakeTask and also press the "arrow" again to track your location.
  3. Check if you are in the right place and if the task is visible in the map view.
  4. Contact the administrator who will correct the location of the task or check the location history to see if you are trying to start the task in the right place.
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