Can you return to a task if it has been interrupted?

Depending on the intention of the user interrupting the task we can distinguish between scenarios:
  1. Interrupting the task with the "Interrupt" button located at the top of the task view in the application, if this button is pressed, it is interrupted with no possibility to restore to it. 
  2. The user leaves the application and returns to the main screen of the phone (minimises the application and/or closes it), in this scenario, when the user returns to the application, they can return to the already started task from the moment they leave the application. Answers entered until that moment will be visible in the application with certain permutations:
    1.  Only answers sent to the server will be visible (marked with blue piping)
    2. While performing the task, the application was connected (Internet access) with the server, this is necessary because partial answers are not saved on the device locally but on the server.
    3. Saving partial answers is not supported for the following commands: 'Duplicate', 'Element List', and "In progress" within 'Element List'.
A task that can be continued is marked in blue in the Task List view. 

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