Task History

Task history is available under the "Settings" tab, which is located on the main bar of the application. 

In the 'Task History' section, you can find tasks which have already been completed.


Marked in green

Completed but pending verification

Marked in grey, these are tasks which have been completed in a specific cycle of the task and are waiting for the verification of correct execution. After the verifier accepts the task, the task changes its status to 'Executed'.


Marked in red, these are tasks that have been rejected by task verifiers.

Clicking on a given item on the history, you have the possibility to see the last answers given in the task performed (view mode, without the possibility of editing the given answers).

Visibility of history

The history can have a specific length, depending on the set parameter TaskHistoryDayOffset given in number of days.  This parameter is set on the Tools -> Application Configuration tab. Access to this tab is granted to the Administrator.

Reviewing the answers given
By clicking on an item in the Task History, you can go to the preview of the answers given within this task (it is not possible to change the answers given). You can preview the answers given for the following commands (the others are not yet supported, they will be developed in subsequent versions of the application):
  • Open Question
  • Yes/No 
  • Add Price
  • Number
  • Counting Question
  • Take Photo
  • Multiple Selection
  • Single Selection
  • Recommendation
  • Record sound
  • Watch video
  • Read Text
  • Date
  • External Link
  • Signature
Within the task history, additional comments added during task execution are also displayed, as long as the given command makes this option available to the user.
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