Mobile application error codes

If the mobile application encounters a problem during the implementation of a function, it notifies the user about it in the form of an error code.

Below you can find the error codes along with the problem they relate to:
401 - You do not have access to this task.
404 - Job not found.
461 - Communication error. Check your Internet connection.
462 - Your time to complete the task has expired.
463 - You are in an incorrect location. Unable to start the task.
466 - Communication error. Check your Internet connection.
467 - This task has already been completed. You are unable to do it again.
468 - The task has been interrupted.
469 - You are in an incorrect location. You cannot start the task.
470 - You do not have access to this task.
471 - The task is no longer in this location.
472 - This task is already started. Interrupt it or continue.
473 - You must complete all data in the task.
475 - At least one answer is missing. Please fill in the missing answer(s).
477 - The picture has already been evaluated.
478 - Problem with withdrawal of funds - this typically means there are no funds on the payroll account, however, it could also mean an incorrectly configured payment.
Different error code - Communication error. Check your Internet connection.
In the case of having technical problems with the application, please contact us at
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