Generating Reports

The TakeTask application allows you to generate reports on completed tasks. In this tutorial we will show you the steps you need to take in order to generate a report.
To begin, go to the 'Reports' tab and then click "+ New Report".

After selecting "+ New Report", you will go through the following steps:

The next step is to determine whether you wish to see all commands in the task. If not, we can choose the tasks we are interested in or exclude those we do not need in the report.
Next, choose the columns to be shown the report.

   After performing the above steps, you can generate a report.
Press "Generate report".

Next, you will receive an automatic message with a link to download the report:
After clicking on the link, your report will be downloaded.
Narrowing the generated report 
When a user has access only to specific locations, tasks and subordinates, the report is generated narrowly. Here, select the specific locations where the user performed the task.

The generated report looks like this:

Only users who are subordinates and have performed a given task in a specific location are visible. 
Please note: The following mapping values are not included in the basic report of the tasks performed. They are displayed in 'Task Verification':
  • Location features
  • Per user
  • Per location
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