Counting Question command
The 'Counting Question' command allows you to enter any numerical value. You can set the minimum and maximum value that the user is able to enter. Combining this command with other commands is without restrictions. This command is used to collect information about various types of numbers which are not prices, e.g. the number of active cash registers or the number of employees in the store. For prices, we recommend to use the 'Add Price' command instead.
General command configuration parameters:
- Command title (up to 80 characters)
- Command description (up to 600 characters)
- Value from - The minimum numerical value to be selected by the user, values can be negative
- Value to - The maximum numerical value that can be selected by the user in the mobile app
- Photos for a hint
Advanced command configuration settings:
- Send your answer to another task
- A usable answer to another task
- Optional command
- Additional comment field
- Order in reports
Command view in the mobile app (from left)
- The appearance of the command in its basic form. The range of visible digits is set in general command configuration parameters (value from - to).
- The appearance of the command with the selected value, the 'Next' button is active and allows you to proceed to the next part of the task.
- The appearance of the command with an added graphic hint and the selected value. Graphical hints can be numerous, they are arranged in the form of carousels.
- The appearance of the command with a field for an additional comment and the selected value.