Notification command
How does this functionality work?
This command allows you to notify selected users about the execution or non-execution of any command scheduled in the Task Generator by e-mail notification.
Example: A Task in which temperatures are monitored - e.g. refrigerators, if in the process 'Emergency mode' is selected, meaning that the reported temperature is not correct, additional commands to be executed/filled in the application, e.g. additional explanation of the situation, notification added to this type of path, can immediately (after completing the task) notify the appropriate person(s) with the information that this mode was started within the task.
Example: A Task in which temperatures are monitored - e.g. refrigerators, if in the process 'Emergency mode' is selected, meaning that the reported temperature is not correct, additional commands to be executed/filled in the application, e.g. additional explanation of the situation, notification added to this type of path, can immediately (after completing the task) notify the appropriate person(s) with the information that this mode was started within the task.
The notification is sent immediately after the
is completed by the user, when the answers from the task are sent to the application server.
Configuration of functionality
The command has the following configuration steps:
- Content of the notification (up to 600 characters) - This is the content that will be sent in an e-mail to the user. The content is consistent, the same for all users.
- Identification of recipients of the notification. It is possible to use all options simultaneously:
E-mail address database - A place for importing e-mail addresses to which notifications should be sent. E-mail addresses can also be external, not present in the platform (import file on .csv format, file pattern:
here). This section disappears if you choose to be notified by Push.
- Notification type - choose between Email and Push notifications.
- Notification for executing task - If this option is activated by ticking the checkbox, the user who executed the task will receive a notification.
- Notification of a supervisor performing the task - If the option is set to YES (default is NO) then the supervisor of the user who performed the task will receive a notification.
- User groups - We can indicate a group of users existing in the application, in this case all members of this group will receive an e-mail to the e-mail address specified for each user.
- Notification after completion/non-completion of the previous task - This option allows you to determine the condition when the notification will be sent. The notification can be sent after the previous command has been executed, or if it was not executed.
- Above - The notification will be sent to the e-mail address after the user executes the "Add Price" command.
Important information:
- If an e-mail address occurs again multiple times, e.g. in an e-mail address database and a group of users, an e-mail notification will be sent to it twice.
- The notification is sent from the e-mail address: Sender of the message: TakeTask. Title of the message: Report from scanned items in location {{name of location where task was performed}}. The settings of these parameters are global for all e-mail notifications in the application instance, they are editable by TakeTask support.
Non-standard use (Differential Report)
Since version 1.38, the use of the Notification command, after the Elements List command, has a customised behaviour, different from that described above. In this scenario, after the task is completed, an xlsx differential report about the set of columns is sent: ID, Name, Value, Location, Category 1, Category 2, Category [n], The status where the first columns are the same as the elements imported into the Elements List and an additional Status column specifies the values whether the element occurred in the task or not (1 - element filled in, 0 - element unspecified).
Business example:
A courier has to deliver 20 packages, they bring the packages to the office and wants to check (scan) if they have all of them. They perform the process of scanning the barcodes from the parcels, when the Notification command indicated in the configuration is completed, the users will receive a report with the same value of 1 if all the parcels were scheduled to be scanned, and in scenario B, when one parcel is missing, the indicated users will receive a report with a value of 0 in the 'Status' column for the element that was not scanned.
Activating this scenario is done within the application configuration, field: EnableReportAboutScannedItems is set to active.
Valid from version 1.39 onwards in this scenario, all recipient groups are active, in versions before 1.39 the differential report can be sent to the user who performed the task and/or their supervisor. Sending a notification for this scenario to the e-mail database and user group is not supported.